Please note

If you're unfamiliar with the Five Sects of Sorcery, please read that page first, as it's the bedrock for everything on this page.



Seers are a race of people who use the magical discipline of divination. In childhood, oracles and arcane seers are identical in power and capabilities. During puberty, oracles learn how to decipher the messages they’re receiving; unlike arcane seers, who will never have the ability to decipher their bizarre experiences. Unlike the other two, shadow seers have no magical abilities before puberty.

At the age of 16, oracles can renounce their powers of divination and instead become a sorcerer. Likewise, at the age of 16, shadow seers can enter a covenant with a god in order to use their magic. Most choose to live their lives without magic due to the stigma surrounding shadow divination. Additionally, if an arcane or shadow seer has an oracle parent, they can “inherit” those powers through cannibalism.

All seers have pointed elf ears and a “damaged” eye called a seer eye. Seer eyes are how seers receive divine messages, but the appearance of seer eyes are extremely off-putting. They have black sclera, red irises, and mirrors for pupils. Additionally, seer eyes are extremely sensitive to light. If exposed to light, the eye will bleed, so they must be properly covered at all times.

There are three kinds of seers: oracles, arcane seers, and shadow seers.

    đź’™ Oracles
    • 🔹Oracles are high seers who can use all forms of divination and sorcery. Oracles are shepherds who are expected to keep “fate” on tracks, and must do everything in their power to stop any anomalies in the timeline. Oracles have wings, long upward-pointed ears, horns, and a seer eye. To become a sorcerer, an oracle must first give up their divine powers.
  • đź’™ Arcane seers
    • 🔹Arcane seers are revered members of society. Although they’re capable of receiving divine messages, they’re unable to decipher them. These messages usually come in the form of nonsensical dreams. Arcane seers can be identified by their mid-length pointed ears, their horns, and their seer eye. Many arcane seers choose to join the clergy, where they can hone their divination abilities. Arcane seers are capable of becoming oracles, though it requires them to devour an oracle parent.
  • đź’™ Shadow seers
    • 🔹Shadow seers are typically the outcasts of most societies. They live in a constant state of shame: choosing to pursue their natural magic will make them “creepy,” and choosing not to pursue magic will cause others to perceive them as equal to weak and violent ferines. They have small, down-pointed ears. Though they don’t have wings or horns, they have seer eyes.


Ferines are non-magical beings. They were created by the dracaena while the gods were busy creating seers. Though ferines were originally designed to protect and love the seers, they soon became stigmatized members of society. Although warrior ferines were created to protect the other mortals, they were soon stereotyped as having a violent nature. Although this stereotype is unfounded, it’s still a widely-held view throughout all of Atorium and its history. While some societies welcome the protection of warrior ferines, other societies shun ferines as a whole.

There are three kinds of ferines: warrior ferines, domestic ferines, and convoys.

    đź’™ Warrior Ferines
    • 🔹Warrior ferines are non-magical beings that have the strength of a dracaena. They were given their strength so they could protect other members of their community.
  • đź’™ Domestic Ferines
    • 🔹Domestic ferines were created by the dracaena after they finished with the warrior ferines. Domestic ferines were created without much purpose, and they were designed to be social companions for the seers. As societies evolved, however, domestic ferines became outcasts of those societies. Their lack of strength or magic makes them functionally useless, but the violent ferine stereotype stigmatizes them just as much as it does the warrior ferines.
  • đź’™ Convoys
    • 🔹Convoys are the only ferines that are respected within society. Unlike the other ferines, convoys are cute, small, and serve a functional purpose. Convoys are so devoid of magic they actively repel it. Anyone who travels with a convoy is protected from all magic.


Odixian Ethnicities


Ember Oracles
Ember Oracles channel Odix, god of enmity. They're capable of seeing prophecies that foretell destruction. To receive these prophecies, an ember oracle must stare into the flames of a fire with their seer eye exposed. To reveal the prophecy, the ember oracle must then cast their own blood (or the blood of another) into the flames. The blood used can fine-tune the scope of a desired prophecy; the blood used will reveal destruction that is in proximity to that person. That may be the destruction of one's own life or that of a relative/friend/acquaintance; the destruction of a location that one cherishes, has lived in, or has passed through in their travels; a destruction that person will someday witness; etc.

Lava Seers
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Ash Seers
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Noxan Ethnicities


Blossom Oracles
Blossom Oracles channel Noxum, god of darkness. Their visions foretell of the future related to a certain location. To receive these prophecies, a blossom oracle must stare up at the stars on a moonless night with their seer eye exposed. To reveal the prophecy, the blossom oracle must then hunt the animal that correlates with their familiar, spilling its blood in the location the blossom oracle wishes to reveal the prophecy of.

Forest Seers
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Autumn Seers
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Primillik Ethnicities


Cloud Oracles
Cloud oracles channel Primilux, the goddess of light. Their prophecies pertain to people, especially those of divinity. To receive their prophecies, cloud oracles must perform a sacred ritual by the moonlight of an overcast night with their seer eye exposed. To reveal the prophecy, the cloud oracle must cast their blood (or the blood of another) into a lit incense. The blood used can fine-tune the scope of a desired prophecy; the blood used will reveal the fortunes (or misfortunes) of people in proximity to that person. However, more often than not, the prophecies will foretell those of the divine than those of mortality.

Summit Seers
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Blizzard Seers
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Caritan Ethnicities


Rain Oracles
Rain Oracles channel Caritux, goddess of altruism. They're capable of seeing prophecies pertaining to creation. To receive these prophecies, rain Oracles must be so submerged that the only light around them is under water. For this reason, Caritan temples often have a lower chamber with 4 glass walls that is fully submerged. The rain oracle is then placed in a shallow pool, where they meditate in a state of sensory deprivation. To reveal the prophecy, the rain oracle must cast their blood (or the blood of another) into a pool of water that has been blessed in a sacred ritual. The blood can fine tune the scope of the prophecy; the blood used will reveal creation that is in proximity to that person. That may be the creation of one's own child or that of a relative/friend/acquaintance; the creation of a location that one will come to cherish, live in, or pass through in their travels; a creation that person will someday witness; etc.

River Seers
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Flood Seers
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Execan Ethnicities


Seed Oracles
Seed Oracles channel Execateritas, the phantom goddess of the land. They foresee prophecies of events that will happen during moon phases that correlate with the current moon phase. To receive these prophecies, a seed oracle must sow their seeds by moonlight in the location they wish to see in their prophecies. To reveal the prophecy, the seed oracle must use their blood to draw the moon phase in the location where they'd sown their seeds.

Grange Seers
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Frost Seers
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Amalgamations begin with a covenant between a mortal individual and two (or more) deities who are not their matron or patron deity. To finalize the covenant, the individual and their community must perform a ritual called the forsakening. A forsakening allows an individual to disavow their matron or patron deity, giving themselves the equivalent of a magical lobotomy in order to become a vessel for two (or more) other deities. This allows them to use magic that is otherwise abnormal for their race and/or ethnicity. To receive the deities’ magic, the amalgamation actively repels all other magic, much like a convoy.

After performing a forsakening, the initiator becomes a conduit through which the deities’ magic is channeled before dispersing to the others in their community. The role of conduit passes from parent (Sovereign Forsaken) to eldest child (Prince Forsaken or Princess Forsaken) upon their natural death. Should the Sovereign Forsaken die without an heir, or should they die of unnatural causes, all members within the community will also lose their magic.

Amalgamations can only be connected to the divine through the Sovereign Forsaken. Should the conduit vanish, the amalgamations' connection to the divine will be fully severed. This causes all the amalgamations and their descendants to enter a state of retribution.

Amalgamations and their descendants are so devoid of their inherent magic that they actively repel any abilities that would’ve otherwise been granted them under the Five Sects of Sorcery (e.g. the child of an amalgamation and a seer will always be an amalgamation, and never a seer).

All amalgamations directly channel one or more deities in the Five Sects of Sorcery, making them thaumaturges. Unlike proper thaumaturges, however, amalgamations cannot practice all disciplines of sorcery. Instead, their abilities are dependent on the deities whose powers they channel. While most amalgamations have distinct abilities from one another, they each possess a magical draining ability that derives from their own repulsion of magic.

Fairies are amalgamations that draw on Primilux and Execateritas' powers exclusively. Fairies were first granted magic when the elf king Levitor the Forsaken called upon Primilux's guidance to drive out the invading Noxan seers. Unable to bypass the laws of the Five Sects of Sorcery, Primilux had to fuse her magic with Execateritas in order to grant Levitor and his men the magic they were seeking.

To use their magic, fairies must first participate in cleansing rituals in order to charge their mana. It's then cast by drawing sigils on the land, which can only be activated in accordance with the conditions inscribed within the sigil, much like rune magic.

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