
At the beginning of time, there was a now-forgotten species called cosmic mothers. Their bodies were universes, and their purpose was to create sentient life. However, the same pattern would repeat time and time again. It was inevitable that the greedy among the sentient would hoard resources, and those who went without would covet. There would be a war, and the sentient would destroy themselves. Grieving the death of her children, the cosmic mother would then die of a broken heart.

Minitas had seen the cycle time and time again. One by one, she watched her sisters die in the exact same way. So when it was her turn to create sentient life, she went about it differently. On her chest, she created a garden of infinite resources, where her children (whom she called titans) would never want for anything. In her heart, she created many prototypes. She called these prototypes children, and they would later serve as the blueprint for the full-bodied titans.

Once the titans were ready, the child prototypes no longer served a purpose. Despite this, Minitas was unable to let them go - and so they lived on inside her heart. After creating the titans, Minitas would forbid them from ever leaving the garden. She hid herself away in her own heart, where she would spend the rest of eternity with the children.

The Fall of the Garden

At first, the titans lived happy and productive lives. Then those happy days gave way to boredom. Some of the titans began to wander outside the garden, where they'd vanish for a few days before returning. Such was the fate of the titan Appedes of Aries. Appedes, being assigned to the gatherer profession, had gone missing while foraging. Following this incident, each house was assigned a single meal, and they would eat only that one meal. This would put the gatherers on a familiar route, and they would no longer have a reason to stray.

This was the montony that wore on Focuris day in and day out.
